Group Sustainability Basic Policy

Our Group, in line with the Group Code of Conduct, believes that creating value by leveraging the strengths of each company and contributing to a sustainable society will enhance corporate value. To comply with various laws and regulations as a member of the international community and address sustainability challenges through the supply chain, we establish relevant policies, build necessary systems, and promote sustainability efforts across the entire Group.

Our Group identifies key common issues (materiality) and incorporates them into the core strategies of our medium-term management plan by implementing the various initiatives accordingly. We monitor the execution of these initiatives and make policy decisions on important matters at the Group Strategy Meeting, which is attended by the presidents of each group company. In addition to striving to achieve the Group’s medium-term management plan, we actively disclose information to stakeholders and contribute to a sustainable society through ongoing dialogue.

Group Environmental Policy

Our Group, based on the Group Sustainability Basic Policy, establishes systems and promotes initiatives for global environmental conservation, including addressing climate change.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with the laws, regulations, industry standards, and other requirements agreed by our Group in Japan and in the countries and regions where we conduct business.

Response to Climate Change

We strive to address climate change by reducing CO2 emissions, conserving energy, and saving resources whenever possible.

Management of Chemical Substances

We do not use illegal chemicals in our business activities. For designated chemicals, we monitor emissions in accordance with legal requirements and report to the relevant authorities where required under law.

Prevention of Environmental Pollution

We work to reduce and properly manage hazardous waste and pollutants by striving to prevent air, water, marine, and soil pollution.

Conservation of Biodiversity

We recognize the benefits of biodiversity and promote its conservation in our business activities.

Conservation of Water Resources

We strive to reduce water usage, promote recycling, and ensure the proper treatment of water.

Contribution to a Circular Society

We work to reduce waste and promote recycling, as well as design, provide, and procure environmentally friendly products and services.


We provide the necessary education to ensure that our Group's executives and employees understand and act in accordance with this environmental policy.

Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders

We actively promote communication and engage in dialogues and consultations with stakeholders.

Information Disclosure

We appropriately disclose relevant information and fulfill our accountability to society.

Group Human Rights Policy

Our Group, based on the Group Sustainability Basic Policy, establishes systems to respect internationally recognized human rights and fulfill our responsibilities by actively promoting our initiatives as we conduct business activities in the various countries and regions around the world.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with relevant laws and regulations in Japan and in the countries and regions where we conduct business. When conflicts arise between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of the countries or regions in which we operate, we strive to respect internationally recognized human rights while adhering to local laws and regulations.

Respect for International Norms on Human Rights

We understand and respect the human rights outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core labor standards expressed in the ILO (International Labor Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We support the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact by conducting our business activities in accordance with these principles.

Scope of Application

We make every effort to ensure that our Group executives and employees fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights.

We also expect our suppliers and business partners to understand and implement respect for human rights in accordance with this policy, and we encourage them to work with us in fulfilling social responsibilities, including the respect of human rights, across the entire supply chain.

Human Rights Due Diligence

We strive to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts on human rights resulting from our business activities.

Human Rights Issues Related to Business Activities

Prohibition of Discrimination
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on characteristics such that race, creed, gender, social status, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical and mental disabilities.

Prohibition of Harassment and Inhumane Treatment
We do not tolerate inhumane treatment, including any forms of harassment, whether physical or psychological.

Provision of a Safe, Hygienic, and Healthy Work Environment
In compliance with all applicable laws, we will create a safe workplace environment for all our employees.

Ensuring Appropriate Working Hours and Wages
We comply with all applicable employment laws including but not limited to laws relating to working hours, holidays, leave, and wages for employee.

Respect for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights
We respect the freedom of association and the rights to collective bargaining for employees in labor relations.

Prohibition of Child Labor
We do not permit child labor and observe minimum employment age requirements in accordance with all applicable laws.

Prohibition of Forced Labor
We do not tolerate forced labor nor do we tolerate any form of modern slavery.

Consideration for Local Communities
In the countries and regions where we conduct business, we respect the rights and cultures of local communities in compliance with applicable laws and international agreements while ensuring that our business activities do not infringe on nor encourage violations of those rights.

Correction and remediation

In the event that it is revealed that our business activities are causing a negative impact on human rights or contributing to human rights violations or that we are involved in such negative impacts on human rights through our suppliers or other partners, we implement the appropriate measures and work towards correction and remediation.


We provide necessary education to ensure that our executives and employees understand the importance of respecting human rights and can take action to align themselves with this policy.

Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders

In promoting human rights efforts, we utilize independent external expertise and engage in dialogues and consultations with stakeholders.

Information Disclosure

We appropriately disclose our efforts to respect human rights and the progress made, fulfilling our accountability to society.

Group Procurement Policy

Our Group, based on the Group Sustainability Basic Policy, establishes systems to collaborate with clients and business partners, including our suppliers, to build a sustainable supply chain and promote related initiatives. We request that our suppliers understand the purpose of this policy and advance similar initiatives.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with relevant laws and regulations in Japan and in countries and regions where we conduct business activities.

Fair Trade

Compliance with Competition Laws
We comply with competition laws, such as the Antimonopoly Act and the Subcontract Act, and conduct transparent, fair, and free competition and transactions.

Prevention of Corruption
We do not engage in bribery with government officials, customers, or business partners, and we maintain healthy relationships.

Exclusion of Antisocial Forces
We do not have any relationship with antisocial forces or groups and take a firm stance to respond organizationally

Respect for Intellectual Property
We appropriately protect and manage intellectual property, and we respect third-party intellectual property without infringement.

Information Management
We appropriately manage information obtained through transactions and maintain confidentiality.

Prohibition of Insider Trading
We appropriately manage non-public material information related to business partners and do not trade in the stock of such companies.

Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest
We do not engage in any acts that compromise our company's interests for the benefit of ourselves or third parties.

Appropriate Export and Import Control
We comply with trade-related laws, including economic security, and conduct proper export and import management.

Efforts Regarding Conflict Minerals
We do not procure materials that contain conflict minerals.

Respect for Human Rights

Based on the Group Human Rights Policy, we respect human rights throughout our supply chain and other business relationships and strive to ensure that human rights are not violated.

Quality Control

We ensure stable supply by adhering to prescribed quality standards and delivery deadlines for our products and services.

Environmental Consideration

We promote initiatives across the entire supply chain for global environmental conservation, including addressing climate change, based on the Group Environmental Policy.


We provide necessary education to ensure that our Group executives and employees understand the procurement policy and can act in accordance with this policy.

Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders

We actively promote communication with stakeholders and engage in dialogues and consultations.

Information Disclosure

We appropriately disclose relevant information and fulfill our accountability to society.